- Want to avoid paying large fees to have your annual tax returns prepared?
- Are you age 60+?
- Do you need to file a basic tax return?
Shepherd’s Center of Greensboro is one of the approved IRS satellite sites for VITA service (Volunteers Income Tax Assistance), professionally preparing and filing Federal and State tax returns.
On February 10, 2025, our trained (and certified by IRS) volunteers will again be completing free basic tax returns for local seniors. Last year we completed 100 Federal and State returns…saving each person hundreds of dollars they might pay to file returns. (AND, we have a 0 rejection rate!!) Appointments will be scheduled on Mondays & Wednesdays, 11:30 or 1:15 at our office in West Market Church. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this service, please share our information. Appointment bookings will be open on 1/16 at 336.207.7681 or our office number(336.378.0766)…please leave a message if we miss you.