Ed Pring was not a typical volunteer; he was deeply involved and committed to the ShepNet Computer program in a way that allowed it to grow and evolve into a unique community resource for older adults. After retirement, he walked into SCG and offered to help… and little did they know that he would give time and talent for 19 years, with consistency and generosity.
Ed started as a class coach, began co-writing and teaching new subjects, networked with other computer centers across the state, took over the roll of Program Coordinator and encouraged a dedicated team of volunteers. He gave thousands of hours of volunteer time both in the classrooms, doing technical repair work and equipment maintenance and sharing ShepNet presentations in the community. His career in the computer and tech fields gave him a broad knowledge and skills, but his love of people and getting them excited to learn was his own personal passion.
Ed’s death in May 2019 was a shock to all who knew and admired him. It sent the ShepNet team of volunteers on a different path in order to keep the center active and that core team is doing a great job honoring Ed with continuity of classes and ideas.
Two of Ed’s friends, who met Ed while taking ShepNet classes, had a deep and important relationship over the years and decided to establish a fund that would ensure that Ed’s volunteer work and dedication would be remembered for many years. They had experienced the value of having an opportunity to learn more about technology and wanted to assure others that ShepNet could stay on top of the tech trends and continue to provide unique lifelong learning programs for older adults.
In August 2019, they initiated this endowment for the purpose of providing future funds for ShepNet’s capital needs. Shepherd’s Center placed the endowment fund with the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro. While the Endowment retains donations in the investment account, each year CFGG allocates an earnings distribution while retaining/investing the core contributions of contributors.
We invite you to add your contribution to the Ed Pring ShepNet Endowment to ensure long-term support of top quality computer and technology training designed for older adults. You may choose to donate now through the PayPal button on the right side of this page, but please add a note that you prefer to have your gift retained and invested by adding “Ed Pring ShepNet” in the note section. You may also choose to give to the fund directly through CFGG.
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