Do you have time to share? We want to interest you in volunteering with us!
Volunteers serve as:

Eleanor leads Singing For Fun
INSTRUCTORS for Adventures In Learning – Do you have a subject you love, that you can share with a group of very engaged, active learners? There are three AIL sessions each year and we are looking for new volunteers to teach a wide variety of topics. See the newsletter for current examples of the classes being taught…then call our Program Manager to discuss your interests.
Wheels DRIVERS – Our clients request trips for shopping, paying bills, banking, and non-medical services. Rides are limited to once a week for trips no longer than 2 hours. Volunteer drivers choose which days they can provide a ride and find the time to help a senior citizen with limited access to transportation. Drivers must have 10+ years of driving experience to volunteer to help our seniors.*

Betty White surfs at SCG!
OFFICE Assistants – SCG headquarters are “staffed” by older adults who give their time to help other seniors. They assist with administrative duties such as answering the phone, taking requests for Wheels, Handy Hands or other services; typing letters, printing, filing, and connecting seniors to local services. Office shifts are 9:30 am – 12:30 or 12:30 pm – 3:30. Bring your skills and personality to help complete all the work behind the scenes. The ability to use a computer is helpful for email or letter writing, but a friendly, knowledgeable voice on the phone is the greatest asset!
Board of TRUSTEES – Leadership volunteers oversee the operations, goals and success of SCG. The Board is currently seeking volunteers with interest in finance, marketing/PR, fundraising, community networking, and long-range planning to join the Trustees in meeting the SCG Mission.
Computer class COACHES – The ShepNet Computer classes need coaches who typically sit with two students to guide and support them while the instructor teaches from the front of the class. Sessions are mornings or afternoons and topics are varied. This is a great way to help seniors learn and utilize new skills of technology.
Computer DATA ENTRY – Database updates and management of the mailing lists are very important responsibilities handled by our wonderful volunteers.
ART design – If you are interested in keeping your graphic skills current, SCG can use your help to design and lay out materials such as the newsletter, brochures and website; call Sandy for current needs and ideas.
Handy Hands – Do you like to fix things around the house? Volunteer to help older adults with minor in-home repairs such as changing air filters, rewiring small electrical appliances, leaky faucets, door/window locks, or hanging pictures. Your service helps the home owner safely age in place, in their own home. *
TAX Prep Counselors – In February and March of each year, volunteers assist older adults (60+) with filing of their taxes through the national VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program.
Planning Committees – Get involved in shaping the direction of programs. There are planning committees for Adventures In Learning (if you know great potential instructors and speakers), Travelers (trip ideas and participation), Marketing/PR, Special Events (if you love a great party and have creative ideas for celebrations and fundraisers), and Sponsors Council (for representatives of the many congregations that support SCG).
All of our programs and services are designed and fulfilled by a large team of active volunteers. With just two part-time staff members, volunteers are the full complement of workers that help us meet the SCG mission; they give purpose to life through service to others.
*Background screening is completed on volunteers providing in-home services and transportation.